Ahhh... finally it hits me.
I am 7 months pregnant.
Ha ha ha.
Honestly, I really feel pregnant this time. Like literally.
Alhamdulillah I don't have the I-am-pregnant-allover-my-body moment, at least not yet. Tapi penatnya, oo emm gee... makes me respect to those who get pregnant after 40, hehehe... Perhaps it is due to lack of exercise. When I was pregnant with Aiyu, I was really into yoga for expecting mommies. Now, it's just me chasing Aiyu around, and that's it. Ke sebab kesan penuaan? Entah la, I pun tak tau. Yang pasti, I rasa macam tong dram yang menunggu untuk digolekkan ke sana ke mari. Roll baby roll!
Walaupun dah ada pengalaman *echehhhh... anak baru sorang dah kecoh*, there are still some issues that keep on bugging me. Biggest question is, nak deliver normal ke c-sect? I had Aiyu through emergency c-sect. Takleh nak dilate after 5cm. Ikutkan macam rasa nak cuba deliver normal, tapi nurse kat sini cakap, kalau first time tu takleh dilate, most probably second time pun cam tu gak. Abis tu orang dedulu beranak camne ek? Hehehe... Tapi tu la, takut jugak kalau-kalau jadi emergency c-sect lagi. Sini dah la procedure dia agak banyak songeh, sudah-sudah kang tak beranak pulak I. How la?
The second question is, should I get double stroller or not? Hahaha.. I knowwww... I guess the perk of being a mom again, is to shop for baby stuff again. It was and still is fun, tapi peningggg... I really like the stroller we have for Aiyu now, tapi tu la, muat untuk sorang aje. Kalau mood rajin, ok lah cik kak kita nak berjalan. Kalau dia malas? Camne pulak nak dukung dia sambil tolak stroller baby? #firstworldproblems sungguh kan.
Besides that, I still worry about what other mothers worry about. How can I cope with 2 kids? Can I? If it's hard, how can I keep myself sane? Cik Abe pulak, macam mana? Not to mention, will I be able to fit in my old pants? Not that they were really small, but I prefer not to get bigger lah. Tak pasal-pasal kena shopping lagi. Except, this time it won't be fun, hehehe...
Oh well, worrying doesn't really help, huh? It keeps us in check, but doesn't help to get things done.
Maka, marilah kita mulakan langkah pertama, dengan....
Membeli infant carseat.
Yang ni ok tak?
I am 7 months pregnant.
Ha ha ha.
Honestly, I really feel pregnant this time. Like literally.
Alhamdulillah I don't have the I-am-pregnant-allover-my-body moment, at least not yet. Tapi penatnya, oo emm gee... makes me respect to those who get pregnant after 40, hehehe... Perhaps it is due to lack of exercise. When I was pregnant with Aiyu, I was really into yoga for expecting mommies. Now, it's just me chasing Aiyu around, and that's it. Ke sebab kesan penuaan? Entah la, I pun tak tau. Yang pasti, I rasa macam tong dram yang menunggu untuk digolekkan ke sana ke mari. Roll baby roll!
Walaupun dah ada pengalaman *echehhhh... anak baru sorang dah kecoh*, there are still some issues that keep on bugging me. Biggest question is, nak deliver normal ke c-sect? I had Aiyu through emergency c-sect. Takleh nak dilate after 5cm. Ikutkan macam rasa nak cuba deliver normal, tapi nurse kat sini cakap, kalau first time tu takleh dilate, most probably second time pun cam tu gak. Abis tu orang dedulu beranak camne ek? Hehehe... Tapi tu la, takut jugak kalau-kalau jadi emergency c-sect lagi. Sini dah la procedure dia agak banyak songeh, sudah-sudah kang tak beranak pulak I. How la?
The second question is, should I get double stroller or not? Hahaha.. I knowwww... I guess the perk of being a mom again, is to shop for baby stuff again. It was and still is fun, tapi peningggg... I really like the stroller we have for Aiyu now, tapi tu la, muat untuk sorang aje. Kalau mood rajin, ok lah cik kak kita nak berjalan. Kalau dia malas? Camne pulak nak dukung dia sambil tolak stroller baby? #firstworldproblems sungguh kan.
Besides that, I still worry about what other mothers worry about. How can I cope with 2 kids? Can I? If it's hard, how can I keep myself sane? Cik Abe pulak, macam mana? Not to mention, will I be able to fit in my old pants? Not that they were really small, but I prefer not to get bigger lah. Tak pasal-pasal kena shopping lagi. Except, this time it won't be fun, hehehe...
Oh well, worrying doesn't really help, huh? It keeps us in check, but doesn't help to get things done.
Maka, marilah kita mulakan langkah pertama, dengan....
Membeli infant carseat.
Yang ni ok tak?
It's fun!
I've tried babywearing with Aiyu dulu, not my cup of tea la dear :(
carseat yg Cik Aiyu dulu xleh pki lg ke?
oooo emmmm geee...
ok sgt2 car seat tu.
i loike...
p/s: nk let go stroller ke car seat cik aiyu dulu habaq la... hihihihii
Yay! Aiyu masih pakai carseat yg lama kan? Mmg kena beli utk baby baru kan?
Kita sokong. Hihi.
Alam dulu ok babywearing. Tapi this one tak suka duduk dlm babywearing tu. Melalak beriya2. Hadoi.
Kak Nurul,
Yang Aiyu punya dulu reversible, so dia masih pakai sekarang :D
Hehehe.. clicked! Dah beli dah :P Kayuh pelan2 la kan, pas ni kena fikir pasal stroller pulak. Car seat Aiyu yang lama dia masih pakai (reversible), yang stroller sebelum ni kat kakak :)
Ha ah la yang, dia pakai reversible punya, so memang tahan sampai skang le. Sini lepas 4 tahun, dan 40 lbs ke atas baru boleh guna booster. Tu yang kita nak cari infant punya, so nanti bila umur setahun boleh transfer kat Cik Aiyu nya carseat. Babywearing kita fail sket le. Tak tau la kalau kali ni ngam ke ape
kak huda..
first.. kalau saye jadi akak.. saye akan try untuk VBAC(vaginal birth after czer) dulu.. kat fb akak boleh masuk group ICAN malaysia/ VBAC.. the gentle birthing group.. its will help u a lot.. banyak sangat info yang buat akak rase nak try untuk normal dulu.. cube la.. sebab saye yang sulung pon czer.. kedue nak try VBAC.. kat group tu ramai da berjaye normal even with 4 prev czer.. cool kan.. hihi..
kedue.. saye akan babywaering.. its fun tau.. seronok.. lagi senang.. :)
happy shopping again hehe. mcm I lah, after 4yrs semua beli baru tambah pulak 1st girl 2nd boy hehe alasan paling bagus untuk shopping kann??
yes, yang ni maxi cosi pebbles mmg okay. I guna maxi cabrio. boleh fix kat quinny stroller.
sana murah kan? kat mesia ni stroller + carrier costly 1300++ huhu
coping with 2 kids... hmmm... satu topic yang sangat menarik. i guess its endless kot.
dulu masa i ada balqis sorang, then pregnant kat sofeya, risau mcm ni lah. memula mmg meroyan, but after a while bila sornag tak de mmg tak keruan.
ni, dah ada 2, nak plan no 3 pun i still worry about the same issue i.e. boleh ke cope with 3 kids.. hahah..
so my point is, ntah la.. tak yah worry kot. it'll come naturally. but do expect some learning curve jugak la kot..
all the best bebeh!
Huda i faced the same issues as well! C-sect with aariz, then with maryam ingat nak normal tp masa 39 weeks theres no amniotic fluid at all and maryam dah destress. After considering pros n cons i go for c-sect. I guess its not that bad, tp recovery lambat la sikit. I pon tak dilate langsung! 1cm pon takde.tu yang zas terus.
Owh baby wearing after c-sect sakit la to me. Once in a while ok, tapi not to often but i guess having a double stroller is good especially if you are alone kan.mana nak kejar cik aiyu lagi nak tolak stroller lagi. Nak pegang handbag LV lagi. Terus nampak serebeh u!! Hahaaha.
InsyaAllah you gona be ok with 2 kids. Tp sila prepare mentally penatnya lah. Especially huda jauh dgn family n kena handle everything urself kan. Tp i'm sure u going to survive. Insyaallah.. Enjoy your pregnancy dear;)
Ahkak...dedulu kala mmg takde C-sec ni...tp kadar kematian tinggi, C-sec ni kalau tak salah atas sebab2 nilah..:)
Carseat tu cantek...beli jgn tak beli...:lol:
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil fitri...
Very ok! I love maxi cosi car seats. My best investment for my baby. Boleh pakai from infant ke 4 years.
I first pregnant umur 29, second umur 31...di kala umur 37, ku mengandung lagi. Orang tanya beza ke...YES, sangat-sangat beza. Sebab masa pregnant 1st baby very the excited pastu umur pun belum lah tua sgt kan, masa second baby erm...still excited walaupun kureng sikit, tapi still okay. Yang pregnant ketiga....homai...dh lah umur dh banyak, kerja kt ofis pun bertambah, anak 1 & 2 pulak dh sekolah nk kena take care kerja sekolah bagai...so yes..I is very the tired....balik kerja duduk atas sofa terus terlelap nganga sampai leleh2 air liur...punya lah letih.
As for c-sect...I tiga2 kuar ikut tingkap. 1st one sbb baby distress, 2nd I cuba normal tp baby tak turun & "pintu" tak terbukak...so kuar kot tingkap jelah. 3rd one, after discussion with doc, due to health reason, she adviced to go for Elective C-Sect. My advice is, each cases is different..what works for others might not work for you, so get a profersional advice (and second advice if possible)
As for the stroller...kalau Aiyu yang jenis duduk stroller, apa salahnya beli double stroller. Mcm I dulu anak no. 1 jenis tk mo duduk stroller...bila dia dh dpt kaki dia yang nk tolak stroller, so masa dpt anak no. 2, stroller diperturunkan terus, anak no. 1 jalan kaki ahaks....tak pun bila pegi shopping complex dudukkan dia dlm shopping trolley.
As how to cope...Don't worry, your motherly instinct will take care of it. Banyakkan berdoa..as for your Hubbs....maybe you can talk to him about how you feel and how he feels....coz yes once the baby is born you'll be taking care of 3 people plus yourself...so looking posh and polish will be the last thing on your mind. And some lady do feel the decrease of sex drive after giving birth (yelah penat kan nk jaga umat2 semua), so tell him in advance about all your worries...and tell him also..in the future if you said FINE...it means -NO-I'M-NOT-FINE-PLEASE-HELP-WITH-THE-HOUSEHOLDS-CHORES-AND-TAKE-CARE-THE-BABY-COZ-I-NEED-TO-HAVE-A-"ME'-TIME...
Insyaallah all will be fine, I doakan :)
Panjangnya komen I, dh boleh jadi entry...ahaks..
aiyu nak jadi kakak sikit je lagi.
ok aunty plak yg lelebih seksaited. hehe
Bila baca smua di atas ianya buat i berfikir.. Kene bg aamily adik cepat.. Tp larat ke nk bawak perot rasanya sakit bawak aamily tak hilang lg.. Tp bila fikir lau jarak jauh sgt... Satu kerja plak da tua tua krg baru nak bukak buku baby balik.. Ermm... Next yer aamily da 3 tahun ermm.. Bolehke nak jaga 2 anak? Rasa tak yakin sgt utk nk pregnant lg.. Ni.. Sorry sis bukan takutkan sis tp nk mintak kekuatan lau ada sesapa yg da berpengalaman handle stuasi low confident mcm i skrg..
Hi ni juz pendapat la.. Me pun baru bersalin 30 july.. 1st normal second c-sec n nie third c-sec jugak.. Mak pasrah n redho.. Masa check up doc pena tanya nak normal ke czer.. Opkos la i jawab nak normal coz pernah bersalin normL.. But semua kerja allah.. I pun dah berusaha.. Jalan buka sampai 6cm sajork.. Betapa pasrah nye kema p cZer utk kali kedua..dillema sgt.. Why why tak bleh normal..pasrah tak dpt preggy no 4 sebb pk confirm czer..but now i redho u.. I ade share dlm blog xperience second czer camne..:) but for me try utk normal dulu la..
How about buggy board? Dia macam board with roller and can be attached to the stroller. Cik Aiyu boleh diri kat atas tu.
perasaan 'bole ke aku handle anak baru dgn yg ada ni?'... akan wujud tiap kali kita pregnant lagi... jgn risau... insyaAllah bole handle... tapi dgn suami mmg kena selalu terus terang apa2 yg kita perlu utk bantuan... tak perlu jadi superwoman utk buat semua benda... :)
Salam kak huda..my first pregnancy twins tau..hanya Allah saja yg tahu how difficult nk jaga both of them since 1st time kn..nasib hubby byk membantu..I don't buy twin stroller or 2 car seat..hubby xnk..yes, finally agreed with him since both dh xnk duduk dlm car seat..maybe still ok coz we don't travel a lot..
Kita tanya gynae hari tu, dia cakap bergantung baby besar mana. Kalau besar sangat, diorang tak recommend VBAC. Camne ni, sempat ke nak diet, hehe.. Babywearing tu dulu kita pernah cuba, macam tak rasi. Nanti boleh cuba balik la kot.
Yang ni Maxi Cosi Mico tak silap, entah, takde beza pun kot, hahaha... Kita kalau nak letak kat stroller ok gak, tapi kena beli adapter. Sini tak le murah sangat, tapi ok lah, murah dari Malaysia :P
Waaa.. bila tu nak tambah yang ketiga? Tu laa.. biasa la kan, kita ni asyik risau. Nak kata confident sangat tu susah, pasal tak. Tapi bila time dah sampai nak buat camne, redah je la :P
Hahaha.. I dulu tak larat gak babywearing, Aiyu bam bam. Tu senang letak je dalam stroller. Plus I asyik berkepit dengan dia, so no bonding issue there, hahaha... For now Aiyu memang tak rajin nak jalan kalau jauh, tu yang I risau sket tu. Selalu kita bawa dia jejalan keliling kawasan rumah, so takut kita yang lenguh kendung baby. Tapi takpe, I will keep in mind jugak. I guess problem dengan c-sect tu pasal recovery tu le, makan masa. Pastu takleh nak sebarang gerak dan gelak, haha
Hehehe.. thanks dear for making me feel better :) Takde la, kekadang rasa bersalah je bila beranak ikut c-sect ni, rasa macam mengada. Tapi tu la, kalau baby tamau keluar, nak buat camne tak? Carseat tu dah beli, insya allah sampai jap gi, hihihi
Yang ni baby carrier, so boleh pakai sampai setahun je. We have a convertible Recaro, yang tu memang dah umur 3 tahun ikut Cik Aiyu :)
Thanks dear for sharing your experience :))) My gynae cakap pasal VBAC ke c-sect, kena tengok condition, and size baby gak. Aiyu besar, so yang ni kalau lagi besar, ermmm... tingkap le jawabnye, hehehe.. Sini kan strict sikit, so diorang tanak amik chances sangat. Aiyu suka duduk dalam stroller, tu yang I terfikir untuk beli double stroller. Boleh la bonding ngan adik nanti, hehe.. Takut kalau babywearing, dia nak kita dukung, mak aihhh... keluar bicep tricep I :P
Hubby so far is ok, tapi ye lah, kita pompuan ni nak cantik je kan. Stress sorang2, sampai laki pun terpaksa stress, hahahaha
Insya allah, kalau takdearal melintang, hujung bulan October ni :)
Kasut kecil,
Haaa.. kita sama lah tu, hahaha.. Dulu I ingat elok nak jarak jauh, tapi bila fikir balik, I will waste my youth there, hahaha... So sekali harung, senang. Basically when the first one dah boleh diharap, ok kot. That's my opinion lah. Aiyu is pretty self sufficient, potty training pun dah. So I tak yah risau sangat.
Tu la kan, kita rasa macam nak normal je, tapi takut frust sesorang. Kata gynae, tengok nanti camne. Kalau baby size ok, condition ok, kita try normal dulu. Or else, tingkap je la :D
Buggy board pun ok gak, but not for too long kot pasal I boleh imagine Aiyu duk terjun2 bila stroller bergerak. She's an adrenaline junkie like that T__T
Thanks dear for the tips. Skang ni pun kita dah mula mintak tolong, esp nak alih2 barang. Tak larat berhenti. Kang kita penat kita stress, dia gak stress kan? :P
Waaa.. best nya ada twins! Tapi tu la, nak jaga tu susah sket la tak? Kitorang carseat memang kena ada, by law. Stroller tu optional, tapi tu la, kitorang memang suka keluar jalan2 kat sini. Takpe, fikir dulu, hehehe
I had a vbac with my no2. Sama macam you, mmg rasa bercampur baur perasaan hati masa pregnant. Tapi I rasa what matters most is:
1. Mommy's mindset - I was really determined to go VBAC. doa siang malam and I clearly make myself clear with my gynae.
2. Gynae pun penting jugak. I was lucky that my gynae sangat supportive and sedaya upaya help me to go vbac. Chemistry mommy-gynae penting. I had a 24 hour labour. Sungguh lama nak progress. I rasa kalau gynae x sabar dia potong I kot buat tingkap. But my gynae sangat la sabar..dia kasi I makan minum sepanjang labour (which indicates she doesn't have any intention to potong me). Setengah doc x kasi makan sebab nak standby kalau kena op kan?
I hope my experience boleh bantu you calm down and be positive that you can go vbac. Doa banyak2 semuanya dipermudahkan. But of course with Allah's will. Kalau dah tersurat tertulis potong..potong la jawabnye.
On being a mommy of 2 - I'm not going to lie, it's tough! The first few weeks will be the hardest. Adjusting not just you, but everyone. Be prepared for Aiyu to be super jealous and rasa tersisih (walahpun kita tak sisih pun dia). Sabar sabar sabar ye and tanamkan dalam hati that thing WILL get better.
Good luck Huda! You'll do great..don't worry too much. Just follow your instinct and enjoy mommyhood while they last. Before we know it, anak2 dah besar and they dont need us anymore. Huk huk huk!
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