Hari pertama tu, kami mulakan dengan aktiviti biasa tourist... amik gambar kat signboard, hahahaha...
Rezeki kami pagi tu, pasal tak ramai orang. Ada macam 2 ke 3 kumpulan sebelum giliran kitorang. Selalunya kat situ penuh manusia, kena tunggu dalam sejam gitu. Mungkin pasal malam I sampai tu, Las Vegas hujan. Dah sejuk2 tu orang malas nak keluar kot.
From Las Vegas we took Highway 160 to Death Valley National Park, CA. Death Valley is the hottest, driest and lowest national park in US. Back in 1913, the US weather bureau recorded a high temperature of 134 degF which is 56.7 degC. Amik kooo... nak salai ikan mesti kejap je.
Anyhow, about 30 minutes driving, we started to see snow capped mountains. Lepas oohh ahhh kejap tup tup... we saw winter wonderland! It was snowing and all the trees were covered in thick snow. Serious rasa macam tak percaya. Macam mimpi. We drove up the mountain to experience snow, and 15 minutes after everything was gone as we drove down. Sampai hari ni I rasa experience tu amatlah pelik.
The drive to Death Valley took about 2 hours. Entrance fee was $30 per vehicle for 7 days. On the way to visitor center, we stopped by Zabriskie Point.
It was a short walk from parking lot, so ok lah tak sempat semput. After paying our fee and grabbing the map, we headed to Badwater.
Badwater Basin is noted as the lowest point in North America, with a depth of 282 ft (86m) below sea level. It consists of a small spring fed pool of water in a sink that accumulate salts. The water is undrinkable, hence the name "Badwater". Next to the pool, where water is not always present, the repeated freeze-thaw and evaporation cycles gradually push the thin salt crust into hexagonal honeycomb shapes.
Sis rasa. Confirm masin 🤪
Tu haaa sea level nya. Jauh kan?
Dari Badwater kami lalu Artist Drive.
Cokelat ade, hitam ada, turquoise ada, pink ada, orange ada... tu namanya artist palette gitu.
Dari situ kami terus ke Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, a.k.a Tatooine of Star Wars. For someone who used to work in Sahara desert, it was ok lah 😅. Get ready to take off your shoes because the sand will fill them up quick for sure.
We were there around sunset, but the sky was cloudy so we didn't get the chance to see the shift of shadows.
Time to head back to Vegas. We took Highway 95 and on the way back we saw a donkey by the road 🤣. Sebijik Eeyore kawan Winnie the Pooh tu.
*to be continued*

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