Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mommy stuck

2-3 minggu ni, blog kita akan ber "oh my english!"

Pasal ada orang tak puas hati, apsal nama dia jadi "Miss Abe". I am not a woman katanye.

Itu lah, orang suruh belajar bahasa Melayu, lambat sket nak belajar. Sudahnya bahasa pasar blog isteri, demo dok pahe. Camne nak paham, sah sah bahasa blog ni rojak lebih kacang. Yang Cik Abe tahu adalah, "Nama saya Colby. Saya berasal dari Amerika. Saya seorang usahawan"

Usahawan ape nye, tapi dah itu yang dia belajar dari Rosetta Stone.

Note of the day:
Do not use this kind of lock for your bathroom. Especially if you have them on both side of the door.
For all you know, your 2 year old kid will lock you.
Yes, it is a true story. Bukan cobaan. Ini betul-betul punya.
Soooo... this morning someone pestered me to go 'down' to watch Mickey. I told her to wait for me to brush my teeth. When I tried to open the bathroom door, I realized that little someone has locked me from the other side. When I told her to open the door, and that "mommy is stuck", she started weeping...
"Mommy stuckkkkk... watch Mickeyy... sowwieeee"
Kinda funny she keeps on repeating sowie sowie while having this sad cry. I told her it is ok, and to get herself together to unlock me.
Ehhh... sure... she's only 2.
So I opted for second option.
Scream my lungs out, and called out for our helper.
Always work I tell you.


sabira said... BALAS

hahahahaha...mek aiyu lock mommy dia dlm toilet..kelakar betul when she end up to cry and say sowwieee...

Amyz! said... BALAS

sowwie mommy. kita gelak kuat baca entry ni. sowwie.. ahahahahahaha.

alam pun dah pandai tekan lock kat tombol pintu tu kan. minggu lepas, dia dah kurung diri dia sendiri. hahaha. padan muka dia. hahahaha. nasib baik spare key ada simpan kat luar.

FaznFaz said... BALAS

hahahahhaah!!!! tak tahan weh!!!! siap cakap sowie watch mikey x leh blah tue!!!! sooo cute!!!!

weekend pegi memana x? boleh hang out together!!!

it took me quite sometimes to figure out miss abe, then it hit me, ko letak nama dia cik abe, aiyo!!!!! tu oh my malay kut... lol!!!!

salam aidilfitri to u n ur family!!!

lemongrass said... BALAS

Cik Aiyu dah terer main lock kat Msia. Lock yg mcm itu memang dah ramai ibu bapa dan nenek atuk yg kena lock in the toilet by the anak and cucu.
I pun heran apasal lah banyaaaak rumah kat Msia ada locks on both sides (termasuk lah rumah my parents, hehehe...) least hubby you baru aje kahwin so tak paham bahasa melayu tu kira acceptable. Hubby I ni yg dah nak 2 dekad kahwin dgn I pun paham sikit2 aje.

Anonymous said... BALAS

Hehe..Mary pun gtu gak..pas picit kunci tombol..pastu nangis bila tk blh tk ded said sowie..sbb die ajak gi jalan

Niza said... BALAS

cik aiyu bergurau send aje tu... hehe.. memang agak bhy la kunci tu paras kanak2 ribena le capai n leh lock coz depa x reti bkk blk. shahdu pulak cik kak mintak maap... rasa bersalah tu..

Azie said... BALAS

hahahaha...cik aiyu ni nak wat kelakar tp end up dia lak nangis...huhu...sungguh comel!

blu4sky said... BALAS

alahai..siannye mommy aiyu..

Anonymous said... BALAS

Miss Abe??
sah-sah pakai google translate. hihi..

Reen Tart Nenas said... BALAS

nasib baik miss abe ada :) kalau die outstation 2 weeks? :p

Eliss said... BALAS

my nuha pernah lock nenek dia dlm toilet kt kg :p keh keh keh. seb baik umah kita tak der lock mcm ni.

Norliana Abdul Rahman said... BALAS

huishhhh kisah yang sama jadi kat my 9 y.o, tapi di lock kan secara sengaja oleh her 4 y.o sister..

nanti aku kena blog jugak.. haha...

kijam sungguh!

nazayiena said... BALAS

Lucunya bila baca entry cik aiyu lock mummy dia,siap sowwieee lg tu....

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