hems: hand/hands in Aiyu's world.
Dah berbuih-buih mulut ku bahasakan dia, "hands, not hems". Tapi nak jugakkk... "hems". Ok lah, as long as not the word "fog" lagi sudah lah kan.
So I had 2 different scenarios, with her saying "Mommy, hems" excitedly.
Case 1:
The one errrr... I rather not see. Someone is extra proud this time, even offered me for a free make over.
Nasib baik memang dah siap-siap beli washable marker, so tadah tangan dalam sinki, settle. Kalau takkk.. haruslah pakai sarung tangan ala MJ selama seminggu.
Anyhow, hari ni Cik Aiyu membuktikan, yang dia sebenarnya dah big girl. Kami pergi taman tadi, bila I nak balik, dia macam tanak balik lagi. So I walked to the end of the park (towards our home), and asked her "Are you coming or not?" She paused for a bit, and came running while yelling "I'm comingggggg".
On the way home, we walked on the field grass (belakang rumah kami padang sekolah you). She led me, all the way until our garage door! Wah wah, ada orang tu dah tau mana satu rumah dia! So when we were in, I thanked her for being such a good girl while we were at the park. Guess what was her response?
"Welcome. Thank you mommy, bla bla bla swing slide"
Oh oooo... did she just thank me for bringing her to the park???
Ohhh emmmmm geeeeeee... dah besar anak mak!
Tu takpe lagi. Ni masa nak masuk tido pulak. Lepas cakap good night, kiss kiss, I walked away and closed her door. Usually we'll leave it that way, and only to leave it ajar just before we sleep. Takut bising, dia terjaga. This time, Cik Aiyu called for me. I asked her what does she need, and she answered "bla bla bla bla door".
Okk... adakah dia nak pintu itu biar terbuka?
I left it ajar, and from inside she said "Thankssssss".
Dah berbuih-buih mulut ku bahasakan dia, "hands, not hems". Tapi nak jugakkk... "hems". Ok lah, as long as not the word "fog" lagi sudah lah kan.
So I had 2 different scenarios, with her saying "Mommy, hems" excitedly.
Case 1:
The one that I wanted to see. Auwww.... someone was proud of her art work!
Case 2:
The one errrr... I rather not see. Someone is extra proud this time, even offered me for a free make over.
Nasib baik memang dah siap-siap beli washable marker, so tadah tangan dalam sinki, settle. Kalau takkk.. haruslah pakai sarung tangan ala MJ selama seminggu.
Anyhow, hari ni Cik Aiyu membuktikan, yang dia sebenarnya dah big girl. Kami pergi taman tadi, bila I nak balik, dia macam tanak balik lagi. So I walked to the end of the park (towards our home), and asked her "Are you coming or not?" She paused for a bit, and came running while yelling "I'm comingggggg".
On the way home, we walked on the field grass (belakang rumah kami padang sekolah you). She led me, all the way until our garage door! Wah wah, ada orang tu dah tau mana satu rumah dia! So when we were in, I thanked her for being such a good girl while we were at the park. Guess what was her response?
"Welcome. Thank you mommy, bla bla bla swing slide"
Oh oooo... did she just thank me for bringing her to the park???
Ohhh emmmmm geeeeeee... dah besar anak mak!
Tu takpe lagi. Ni masa nak masuk tido pulak. Lepas cakap good night, kiss kiss, I walked away and closed her door. Usually we'll leave it that way, and only to leave it ajar just before we sleep. Takut bising, dia terjaga. This time, Cik Aiyu called for me. I asked her what does she need, and she answered "bla bla bla bla door".
Okk... adakah dia nak pintu itu biar terbuka?
I left it ajar, and from inside she said "Thankssssss".

Kak hudaaaa those cheeks!!!! My uncle used to call me 'boyot' for having pipi labuh. Lekat till now. But oh man, can i gigit those cheeeeeeks?? Geram
cik aiyu cik aiyuu nasibbaik tak dilukis katmukanya sekali....
the lovely big girl doing a nice artwork..kat tangan takpe k..jangan kat dinding..seriau mommynya kalau tgk artwork kat dinding...hahahahahaha...nice zebra pants..pandai kak huda pilih...cuteee!
Kids surprise us in the most unexpected ways... Such a joy being a mother, especially SAHM (blh tengok sendiri anak membesar depan mata).
Sedihh baca this entry...cik Aiyu macam dah all grown up...so clever now yaaa...almaklum blog ni kan maknya share dari dia baby until now, rasa mcm dah tgk milestone anak sendiri plak...huhu...
Alahai sweetnya Cik Aiyu
cik aiyu dh big gurl la..sweetnya cik aiyu nie..nasib tk dikalernya didnding umah kn..:P
bestnye ade your own kids......!!
suke ngan budak2 kecik2.... especially yg below 6 years old...
sbb apa yg depa ckp...always beyond our mind.....very funny...
selamat hari raya aidiladha....
cik aiyu n family!!!
hamboiiii..besaunya riben dia..huhu :)
pandai cakap dah dia ye :))) dah besar dah cik aiyu, alhamdulillah..
sekali datang bace entry2 yang tertinggal.. hihi.. seronoknye bile anak da besar.. anak saye pulak da pandai protes bile tak dapat sumthing.. geram je~
Alam lagi la. Tangan dia sebut, "kanan" Entah macam mana boleh sebut gitu pun tak tahu. Haih. -_-"
Sama juga. Conteng tangan kaki semua lah. Hadoi..
Haaa.. boyot for pipi labuh? My friend nama Boyot pasal perut labuh, hihihi... Eh, gigit pipi Aiyu, rindu kat pipi lama ke? Hihihih.. gurau2 je :D
Itu ada ura-ura, tapi nasib baik mak nye cepat keluar bilik air, hahaha
Tu la, tangan boleh basuh, dinding kena kerja keras sikit, hehehe.. Thanks dear, ni beli kat Carter's :)
True, I memang bersyukur jadi SAHM. Walau pun penat, tapi berbaloi :)
Auwww... tu la kan, rasa macam dah big girl dah. Fatehah you jot down tak, her milestone? I buku baby tu memang tak isi, hahaahah
Pink Mama,
Auww.. thanks auntie!
Thanks dear :) Tu la, tangan pun tangan la kan, asal dinding tak warna purple
Miss Scofield,
Tu tanda suruh ada anak tu, hihihi.. Betul, dah lepas 6 tahun nanti, kalau banyak soal kita rasa rimas, hahahaha... Selamat hari raya pada Atiqah sekeluarga juga!
Biasa laaa... mak kan diva! :D
Alhamdulillah... dia walau cakap tu pelat sikit, tapi pasal hari2 mengadap, paham, hiihihih
Hehehe.. protes tu biasaaa... Mak nye protes pun ada!
Tangan kanan tak? Hahahah... ok le tu, dia buat short form gitu :P
Kahkahkah, me too...sia2 je dpt pressie buku milestone ke mende...maknya asyik hilang ingatan nk isik...hahaha...
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