Saturday, December 22, 2012

One way to get your toddler sleeps voluntarily

One word.


As cheesy and lame as it might sound, NEVER underestimates the power of a sticker.

Kan hari tu I ada complain pasal Cik Aiyu suka bertangguh waktu nak tido kan? Sekarang tidak lagi!

While going through that not-so-fun phase, I did some research online. Nak tanya mak, dulu kecik-kecik kita tido bawah ketiak, hehehe..  Anyway, a few of the articles I read, suggested a reward system to encourage them to go to bed voluntarily. Kalau kita yang dah tua bangka ni, orang kata rasuah, hahaha…

Since kids generally love stickers, that can be one of the reward. Jangan kata budak, mak budak pun suka main sticker, hehehe.. So we tried, not that we have anything to lose. Rumah ni bersepah sticker. Kalau rasuah kasi barang kemas tu lain la kan. Mak tak mampu you!

The first night, it was kinda vague. We were not too sure how to introduce the system, and Cik Aiyu was not too sure with our intention.

“Ok, if Aiyu sleeps well tonight, tomorrow morning you can have a ‘good sticker’”


Ok, good night.

She did call for us once or twice, but that was about it.

So the next morning, we gave her the “good sticker”. Obviously she was happy about it. Since we have no proper chart to stick it on, she pasted in on her puzzle box.

The following night, surprisingly she did better at sleeping.

Apparently she gets the concept, because the first thing she asked for when I went to get her was, “Mommy, good sticker”.

To support her good behavior, we got her a chart.

Kepada sesiapa yang ada masalah lebih kurang, selamat mencuba!


Unknown said... BALAS

Arif pun dulu sama jugak.
Blh la rasuah dgn stickers, tp skarang dh UP sikit.
Dh pandai demand.. so as along as tak lebih dari 500fils, ok la.

Kniedaz said... BALAS

Wah....good idea..tapi kalau buat untuk si kembar ni xtaula jadi ke tak...akut satu sticker tak jalan

ati_emylia said... BALAS


fateh x makan rasuah la....tgh malam lompat katil besar jugak..huhu


Yong Is My Name said... BALAS

Mama Cik Aiyu, good idea!
Thanks beb.

Fifi Nadhrah said... BALAS

nanti ufairah da besar sikit boleh la try.. bukan untuk tido je kan.. tapi untuk yang lain sekali jugakkan.. like tolong 'kemas' rumah ke.. kan2..

shuhada said... BALAS giler idea nih..tapi wazif boleh faham ke erk...sebab skrg ni kul 4-5 pg lompat katil sebelah balik...hahhahahaha....

mama leen said... BALAS

hmmm kalau dah faham ok la.. kalau macam ranea memang tak paham lagi... letih.. 1.30 pagi pun panjat meja lagi..

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