Hamik kau, hari ni topik tak teragak kan.
Sebelum ni, tak pernah amik kisah pun pasal golongan hijabster nih. For me hijabster ni golongan bertudung yang suka berfesyen. Takat pakai tudung bawal, jangan nak ngaku hijabster ok. Buat #hijab #tudungpeople #hijabhigh malu je tau. As a woman, I do understand the need to look pretty. Feel pretty. Siapa tak suka kecantikan kan? On the other hand, being a Muslim, we cover up so we don't attract too much unwanted attention. If your clothes screaming "look at me!" or you posting a picture with self comment regarding to the size of your a**, I am not too sure about it.
Mungkin I yang kuno. I don't know. Ataupun saya ni tak cool orangnya. Dah la tak cool, fashion sense pun out. Forgive me. My point is, being a hijabster is nice, alhamdulillah, tuhan buka pintu hati kita untuk menutup aurat. Then again, we have to draw a line, to where fashion meets lifestyle. Generally people expecting more from those who are covering up. Kalau tak, takkan lah keluar statement "kakak you tu harap je pakai tudung, tapi cakap kurang ajar". Habis kalau tak pakai tudung, boleh la kurang ajar dan spray rumah orang? Eh, teremo kejap, hahaha...
Ok lah, tu bab berpakaian. I really have no issues. Nak pakai sexy ke, turban ke, up to you. For me yang penting, adalah hubungan sesama manusia. Mak selalu cakap, "Kita kalau dosa dengan Allah, boleh minta ampun. Dosa sesama manusia, kau tanggung la sendiri." That's pretty much what I hold onto, bukanlah bermaksud kita asyik nak buat dosa dengan Allah kan, hehehe..
Hari ni adalah hari jadi arwah kakak saya. She would have been 42 today, tapi Allah lagi sayangkan dia. Happen to be, 2 of my friends share the same birthday with her. Sorang memang kawan rapat, sorang ni kawan sekolah menengah. Dalam zaman semua benda pun Facebook tolong ingatkan, I think one should be flattered yang orang ingat birthday dia naturally. Betul tak? Well I do, hehe.. But I am still thankful for all the wishes on FB too. Rasa macam orang penting jap, heheeh...
Kisahnya, I pun wish la diorang ni kat Twitter, because I know one of them is really active on Twitter. Bukan macam I, guna Twitter nak baca news headline je. Or gossip, hahaha.. My intention was good, and purely simple.
Tapi tau tak apa yang kawan sekolah I tu reply?
Not directly, but generally lah.
"Sorry, I don't take joint birthday wish. How cheapskate can u be? It's on Twitter & u wish me with someone else? Pls."
I scrolled down her timeline, and no one else did the double wish, except for me. So I guess that was meant for me lah kan?
Whateverrr... next time I know better. I guess some people don't realize, not everyone is self-absorbed. Takde masa saya nak ber Twitter 24 jam, that explains my 1,000 tweets as opposed to 38,000 tweets of hers. Kadang-kadang datang mood, ok la. Kalau tak, seminggu sekali pun I susah nak update.
It was quite a shock for me, but oh well.
P/S: This lady is a recent hijabster. Hence the connection of these 2 topics, hehehe..
Al-fatihah buat arwah Norshakila binti Mat Arif. Semoga roh nya dicucuri rahmat, dan moga beliau ditempatkan di kalangan orang beriman. Aminnn...
Sebelum ni, tak pernah amik kisah pun pasal golongan hijabster nih. For me hijabster ni golongan bertudung yang suka berfesyen. Takat pakai tudung bawal, jangan nak ngaku hijabster ok. Buat #hijab #tudungpeople #hijabhigh malu je tau. As a woman, I do understand the need to look pretty. Feel pretty. Siapa tak suka kecantikan kan? On the other hand, being a Muslim, we cover up so we don't attract too much unwanted attention. If your clothes screaming "look at me!" or you posting a picture with self comment regarding to the size of your a**, I am not too sure about it.
Mungkin I yang kuno. I don't know. Ataupun saya ni tak cool orangnya. Dah la tak cool, fashion sense pun out. Forgive me. My point is, being a hijabster is nice, alhamdulillah, tuhan buka pintu hati kita untuk menutup aurat. Then again, we have to draw a line, to where fashion meets lifestyle. Generally people expecting more from those who are covering up. Kalau tak, takkan lah keluar statement "kakak you tu harap je pakai tudung, tapi cakap kurang ajar". Habis kalau tak pakai tudung, boleh la kurang ajar dan spray rumah orang? Eh, teremo kejap, hahaha...
Ok lah, tu bab berpakaian. I really have no issues. Nak pakai sexy ke, turban ke, up to you. For me yang penting, adalah hubungan sesama manusia. Mak selalu cakap, "Kita kalau dosa dengan Allah, boleh minta ampun. Dosa sesama manusia, kau tanggung la sendiri." That's pretty much what I hold onto, bukanlah bermaksud kita asyik nak buat dosa dengan Allah kan, hehehe..
Hari ni adalah hari jadi arwah kakak saya. She would have been 42 today, tapi Allah lagi sayangkan dia. Happen to be, 2 of my friends share the same birthday with her. Sorang memang kawan rapat, sorang ni kawan sekolah menengah. Dalam zaman semua benda pun Facebook tolong ingatkan, I think one should be flattered yang orang ingat birthday dia naturally. Betul tak? Well I do, hehe.. But I am still thankful for all the wishes on FB too. Rasa macam orang penting jap, heheeh...
Kisahnya, I pun wish la diorang ni kat Twitter, because I know one of them is really active on Twitter. Bukan macam I, guna Twitter nak baca news headline je. Or gossip, hahaha.. My intention was good, and purely simple.
Tapi tau tak apa yang kawan sekolah I tu reply?
Not directly, but generally lah.
"Sorry, I don't take joint birthday wish. How cheapskate can u be? It's on Twitter & u wish me with someone else? Pls."
I scrolled down her timeline, and no one else did the double wish, except for me. So I guess that was meant for me lah kan?
Whateverrr... next time I know better. I guess some people don't realize, not everyone is self-absorbed. Takde masa saya nak ber Twitter 24 jam, that explains my 1,000 tweets as opposed to 38,000 tweets of hers. Kadang-kadang datang mood, ok la. Kalau tak, seminggu sekali pun I susah nak update.
It was quite a shock for me, but oh well.
P/S: This lady is a recent hijabster. Hence the connection of these 2 topics, hehehe..
Al-fatihah buat arwah Norshakila binti Mat Arif. Semoga roh nya dicucuri rahmat, dan moga beliau ditempatkan di kalangan orang beriman. Aminnn...

Org dah wish pun kira Alhamdulillah lah. Kurang2 ada org ingat. Ni berterima kasih pun tidak, lagi mau me"lazer" tak tentu hala. (Owh! I pulak yg terEMO.. huhuhuuuu)
don't be bothered too much with people's behaviour. some people just overly sensitive or want to be treated like royal princess.
if don't like such wishes, shd have just been graceful and kept quiet abt it. and need not call people cheapskates.
forgive, forget and move on.
Happy Wednesday.
sombongnye statement tu..
huda, takyah nak ambil hati dengan orang yang tak pandai nak appreciate erti persahabatan...
al-fatihah buat arwah your sis..moga roh beliau dicucuri rahmat..
herrkk..terkesima aku melihat reply kawan ko tu.."mulia" sungguh budi pekerti beliau.
Takpelah..kita anggap je dat person wants birthday to be special..rite..? no?
1. saya totally agree dgn your opinion abt hijabster. that explains fesyen tudung iols yang simple teramat. tak reti lah nak melilit2 pin2 bagai! simple and tutup aurat sudah!
2. apa konon kawan kau? pelik.. bagus lah dah unfollow!
3. al fatihah to arwah your sister. may Allah bless her soul.
sombong + angkuh + berlagak = bad woman she is !!!!
salam...just ignored jer org mcm tu...sgt "jual ikan" kan (selfish)...heehhehe...
my opinion on the hijabster issue...ada fesyen bertudung yg boleh diikut...tpi ada juga yg agk merepek...apa2 pun its depend on you...fesyen mana yg u nak ikut...msg2 ada pendapat tersendiri...cuma...if u bertudung...then pakai ketat..singkat..jarang...rasanya lebih baik simpan je tudung tu...impak dia pada golongan yg bertudung...
jgn ada yg marah dgn statement i yer...jst my opinion... :)
Al Fatihah untuk aunty Aiyu.. sedih plak bila baca camtu. apa salah wish joint birthdays? At least people remember you
oh.. ai tukang baca pun tumpang terkejut dan sentap u.. sabar jew la.. takyah la wish lg kat dia.. hahaha.. sama teruk lak kan.. :)
n alfatihah buat ur sis. amin
huk alooo... orang nak wish pun kira ok ape.. at least terdetik jugak la kan nak wish... just ignore je dia ni Huda..
Al-Fatihah to your sister :)
Hijab/tudung tak mencerminkan apa-apa. Kalau tutup litup bagai tp hati busuk perangai tak elok, tak guna jugak kan. Semua terletak pada iman & hati.
Ok speechless kejap..
Well, u r right. org mcm ni dont even deserve a makian maka afdal sgt lah dijauhi.
Al-fatihah juga untuk arwah kakak :)
lorr.. orang da wish bday pun da syukur Alhamdulillah..sekurang2nya ada jugak orang ingat nak wish bday dia.. ish ish ish..
al-fatihah untuk arwah kakak..
Alfatihah for arwah.
Wuishhh!!!! Rasa mcm nak pelempang je kwn mcm tu kan... Sabar... Sabar.
Ape hal minah tu wei? Cannot accept the fact that she's getting older kot.
Yup and i agree about drawing a line between fashion & lifestyle!
adoi, tanjat sekejap bacab statement dia.. takpelah, orang tak hedank, kita pun tak hingin... kan.
Al Fatihah untuk arwah kakak..
isk...if i were u kak huda..delete and move on..not worth it to keep a friend like that with that kind of attitude..
org sombong mcm tu x payah bt kwn!
org wish besday tandanya org ingt kita...ur fren 2 period kot! hehehe
teringat ayat UAI pakai tudung x wajib yg wajib tutup aurat kn...ko lilit2 bgai pn kalu nmpk btg leher nmpk bukit bakau x guna gak...
bab wish tu kn twit j byk2 lg...hahaha...
Al Fatihah tuk arwah....
tak pernah terlintas dek akal kot nak cakap macam tu kat org.. org da wish kire bagus la.. bagus unfollow.. lupekan je die.. buat sakit hati kite je.. ceitt..
alfathihah untuk arwah...
Sungguh bermulut longkang orang itu. No point of being a hijabister kalau mulut penuh blister. ngegegegegeg...
Al Fatihah to ur sister.
Alfatihah utk arwahyarhamah Norshakila. Semoga dicucuri rahmat.
Pada kita, niat bertudung berfesyen2 tu sebab apa? Nak tutup aurat atau nak berfesyen. Kalau nak berfesyen, tarik perhatian orang, tu dah kira ke lain la sikit. Niat tutup aurat dah lari. Kita ni perempuan. Tutup aurat adalah untuk melindungi kita dari melakukan maksiat. Kalau bertudung dan berbaju fesyen sgt - menarik perhatian org, dah undang zina mata, apa semua - dah salah la tu. Tu la yg I nampak.
Tapi terpulanglah. Semua ada pendapat dan pandangan masing2.
Dan apa salahnya kongsi wish birthday tu? Diva sangat ke kau tu? LOL. Yg penting org ingat & ikhlas nak wish. Kalau lupa, kau juga yg emo kan?
Takpela Nurul. Bagus unfollow. Twit dia bukan best sgt pun. Kahkah.
Alfatihah for your sister. sama age dengan saya.
bab hajab pd saya adalah menutup aurat menurut syariat. so saya memang tak reti nak pakai yg bling blig sesangat.
as your friend tu, memang u ambik tindakan yg baik. orng dah ingat pd kita patutnya berterimakasihlah. semoga esok bila tiba ke akhir hayat kita ada orng nak menyempurnakan kita.
al fatihah..
ok.. nape dia sesuka hati memfire kat twitter tu.. belagak nak mam**s.
ok nak hapdet. sekarang kat malaysia ada fenomena Lady rara.. try la google..
rasanya Lady Rara ni sama standet dgn org yg spray rumah u & PRASAN DIVA MACAM FREN YG LASER U DALAM TWITTER tu..
(sorry for capital letter tu) haha.. menunjukkan betapa pentingnya isi ini. haha
I saw she also tweeted that she doesn't accept late birthday wishes, she said just wait til next year to wish kalau macam tu. lol. Kalau I, orang wish one week late pun I'm happy they thought of me.
Al-fatihah to arwah.
Alfatihah to arwah kakak sis tu...ada juga orang macam tu kan...mungkin dia rasa diri dia dah best sangat kot...xpela..yg penting niat tu baik..tapi kalau saya, saya pun geram
amboi.. x bersyukur sungguh. kira bagus la org dah wish tu. kang x wish langsung, sentap pulak kata org xingat besday dia.
hehe... anyway, saya agak susah nak ingat benda2 yg bernombor ni. tambah2 besday org...ingat no ic n no fon mak ayah je. kadang2, time awal bulan ingat besday sapa. tp bila tarikh tu dh dtg, langsung x teringat. bertuah betul.
Read her latest twit.. she's so arrogant & feeling like a DIVA!
Shes doesn't add any value to your life dear, so its okay to unfriend
gigih gua mengsearch kat twitter status itu nak tau which hijabster dia ni.. tapi.. er.. siapa dia tu? x kenal pun.. x fofular tapi nak belagak diva.
erkkkk... ucapan dari kawan lama amat bermakna.. kalau kawan baru yg ucap pun sangat suka sbb dia masih igat kita walau baru je berkawankan?
hi dear..i br kenal ur blog..dah 2 hari baca semua post2 lama u...not exactly 2 hari lah..time free xde kerja kat klinik la..n dah jatuh suka the way u write...nice knowing ya!..
btw,nak komen pasal entry ni sebenarnya...
cheeehhh pooodaahhh minah tu...menyampah ok!...kdg2 x paham betul dgn sikap org yg xtahu terima kasih ni kan...ishk,ishk..jauhilah aku dr sikap2 buruk mcm tu..hurmmm
Pakai hijab berfesyen really defeat the purpose konon tutup aurat.
FYI, tiada hukum mewajibkan perempuan pakai tudung.
Never mentioned in Quran. Banyak salah tafsir.
Hukum pakai tudung ni tafsiran manusia atau ulama terdahulu yang dipengaruhi faktor budaya.
Ape cer lelaki tengok rambut jadi berahi?
So Quran is always right and always make sense. Pakai tudung does not make any logical sense.
So why would Quran prescribe tudung to "protect / cover" women when women would naturally transform tudung into fashion, hence attract gaze of others?
That's the problem with us, just because some ustaz say so, we took it as biblical. Mind you, we don't need straight A's to qualify for religious studies. That's why most straight A's become doctors, engineers, lawyers, scientist etc. They don't pick usuluddin.
Maaf tuan punya blog, saya terpanggil kerana komen dari anynomous yg last.Sahabat, renungilah ayat ini dari surah Annur ayat 131 yang bermaksud:
“Katakanlah kepada wanita yang beriman: "Hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya, dan kemaluannya, dan janganlah mereka menampakkan perhiasannya, kecuali yang (biasa) nampak dari padanya. Dan hendaklah mereka menutupkan kain tudung ke paras dadanya, dan janganlah menampakkan perhiasannya kecuali kepada suami mereka, atau ayah mereka, atau ayah suami mereka, atau putera-putera mereka, atau putera-putera suami mereka, atau saudara-saudara laki-laki mereka, atau putera-putera saudara lelaki mereka, atau putera-putera saudara perempuan mereka, atau wanita-wanita islam, atau budak-budak yang mereka miliki, atau pelayan-pelayan laki-laki yang tidak mempunyai keinginan (terhadap wanita) atau anak-anak yang belum mengerti tentang aurat wanita. Dan janganlah mereka memukulkan kakinya agar diketahui perhiasan yang mereka sembunyikan. Dan bertaubatlah kamu sekalian kepada Allah, hai orang-orang yang beriman supaya kamu beruntung.”
dan ini surah Al Ahzab ayat 59 yang bermaksud:
“Hai Nabi, katakanlah kepada isteri-isterimu, anak-anak perempuanmu dan isteri-isteri orang mukmin: "Hendaklah mereka melabuhkan jilbabnya (bermaksud: baju gaun yang labuh, yang menutup kepala, muka dan dada) ke seluruh tubuh mereka." Yang demikian itu supaya mereka lebih mudah untuk dikenal, karena itu mereka tidak di ganggu. Dan Allah adalah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.”
Siapalah kita untuk mendustakan ayat2 Allah?
Ampunkan aku Ya Allah, jika aku tersilap.
Anon 10:54 Jan 16,
"That's the problem with us, just because some ustaz say so, we took it as biblical. Mind you, we don't need straight A's to qualify for religious studies. That's why most straight A's become doctors, engineers, lawyers, scientist etc. They don't pick usuluddin."
These days you don't have to get straight A's to be a doctor, engineer, lawyers, scientist etc with the mushrooming of private higher education institution (in Malaysia specifically). You could read them here ..pagalavan.com
Your CONDESCENDING statement was so 10 years ago. Why don't you go read usuluddin in the university that is of course if they would allow you with no prerequisite huh. Baseless accusation. Just because you read them in the internet doesn't make you a scholar. I read articles at Mayoclinic.com. I point out to doctors my own symptoms with prediagnosis. Can I call myself a medical doctor? NO.
I read the PhD excerpt somewhere. Can I analyse them. NO. I'm not an islamic scholar, I studied Phamaceutical TEchnology. Could I point out opinions on theses regarding my field. YES because I was trained in that field.
It is true that you need not just follow things blindly but please do an in-depth research on the subject matter beforehand. The scholars are arguing over your statement but the theses was passed because that's what you do in postgraduate study, arguing with facts but it doesn't mean your finding is finite. And besides al-Quran you got Hadith mind you. Islam was passed down to us THROUGH A RASUL, MUHAMMAD PBUH not some "tafsiran manusia atau ulama terdahulu yang dipengaruhi faktor budaya" or "some ustaz" .
There I said it. Maaf kak huda panjang pulok. Geram dengan 'Diva Anon' memandang rendah dgn graduan usuluddin. X pasal2.
Since i follow ur twitter so dpt ler i menyekodeng sape "diva fofuler" itu~~ alah stakat slubung 1 badan gan kain biru mcm langsir tambah renda2 kat skit kt depan tu xyah la kekwat sgt... stakat diva twitter jek simpan jela sensorg tgk.. hehehe :p abaikn jela nurul~~
Oh not forgetting Al-fatihah to ur late sister..
Salam hud,
Terkesan dgn pesanan mak uols, jd kita pun nak amik kesempatan bermaafan sekiranya ada salah silap ye.
Pasal hijabster, interesting i share ur sentiments, i too find it amusing and something baffling why hijabsters do wht they do, tp xkisah lah each to its own.
Yg kawan twitter, mmg shocker lah. Lest she can do say thank you even if she doesnt mean it kan? Itu mcm natural response sesapa wish bday dak? Anyway mama hud lebih fofular lah walau 1000 tweets, tp kat blogosphere ur queen jugak :) hehehe
And alfatihah buat arwah kakak uols.
Anon...kalau betul u dh hafal quran..belajar tafsir. U wont say dlm quran x suruh pakai tudung...ish ..ish ..ish...manusia yg tidak faham islam memang pilih yg mudah...berfikir sblm bercakap.. jaga akidah
Anon January 17, 2013 at 2:41 AM,
read again ayat An-Nur - does not say must wear khimar. Grammatically it says something else - must cover the cleavage/ bosom. Which really makes sense. Tudung is already there, culturally with arab women even before the Quran came. Don't tell me khimar was invented because of this ayat. Don't interpret what the ayat does not say.
On Al-Ahzab, please don't add extra meanings for jilbab. its is baju ala jubah which is longgar dan tidak menampakkan susuk badan, Jangan fitnah Quran, jilbab bukan tudung, tudung is khimar. Ayat ni jika anda tafsir satu persatu tak ada pun sebut tutup muka (purdah?) atau kepala. Yang dalam kurungan tu tokok tambah oleh entah siapa. awak pun percaya
Inilah masalahnya bila kita baca tapi tak fikir. Ustaz kata surah An Nur 31 sebut kena pakai tudung. Kita pun baca, nampak perkataan tudung terus assume wajib pakai tudung tutup kepala, walhal ayat itu menyuruh kita tutup belahan dada. Tanyalah semua orang lelaki, apa yang mereka selalu tengok pada perempuan. Kalau dia jawab rambut, kemungkinan dia pondan.
Rational atau tidak? Apa rational tutup rambut? chef tutup rambut rationalnya kita tahu. Quran amat jelas.
Author M,
Do you really need an in-depth research to find out whether tudung is wajib or not? Seriously? Quran is insufficient?
Makcik-makcik kat kampung kena faham thesis paper ke sebelum pakai tudung? Sekarang ni nenek-nenek pun pakai tudung, budak 6 tahun pun pakai tudung. Bila masa hukum wajib jatuh keatas wanita? Bila datang haid? Kalau dah putus haid? Ada ayat yang jelas pasal bila ianya wajib? Definitely not in Quran I assure you. Maybe you are right. Some in-depth research in the hinterland of Afghanistan is needed.
Quran ni diturunkan untuk mankind. Secara jelas dan nyata, especially bab hukum.
And when it comes to hukum, meaning hukum Allah, we can only refer to the Quran. Hadith does not form part of hukum Allah. That is why this ayat sounds very stern from Allah.
Surah 69:44-47 : “..And if the apostle were to invent any sayings in Our name, We should certainly seize him by his right hand, And We should certainly then cut off the artery of his heart. Nor could any of you withhold him (from Our wrath). .”
So remember, hadith cannot be Hukum Allah.
If you base some hukum from the hadith, its the same as hukum memandu melebihi had laju. Coz both are not hukum Allah. And lets not get into hudud...
Are my argument difficult to understand? Is Islam difficult? Only freaks make Islam difficult. And turn away non muslim from the deen. This cannot, that cannot, you steal - chop, chop! You zina, we'll stone you.
Seriously Anon, this is a family blog not some place to bicker.
1) Have i said that Quran is insufficient? Did I said makcik2 kampung need to faham thesis before pakai tudung?
2) I was only dissappointed in you looking down on Muslim clerics by calling em just some tafsiran manusia atau ulama terdahulu yang dipengaruhi faktor budaya that is CONDESCENDING - that was all my comments are all about. IS THAT REALLY HARD TO UNDERSTAND?
3) I HAVE TO ADMIT I AM IN NO PLACE TO ARGUE BECAUSE I HAVE NO SUFFICIENT TIME TO GO READ THE TRANSLATION AND PASTE THEM HERE JUST FOR THE SAKE OF WINNING. Have you tried to refer to at least with someone with IN-DEPTH knowledge in Shari'e before preaching here with that i'm-holier-than-thou , no no, its I'm-RIGHT-YOU'RE-WRONG kinda attitude with some sarcastic remarks (Some in-depth research in the hinterland of Afghanistan is needed. )
4) I am sorry for generalizing you into these days group that champion liberal Islam saying bad things about the conservative and accusing them of turning the non muslims away. Have you consider yourself arguing in a POLITE and GOOD manner? by looking down on people and being sarcastic? while you are the one who actually turning other muslims from a healthy debate. You remind me of Sharifah Jabeen. Listen... Listen... Listen
5) Lets us just please stop here. Aiyu is recuperating and kak Huda is worried sick of her child if you know what I mean. Please respect the purpose of this blog. We could carry this argument at a bigger vebue like at the Jakim website so the target audience could respond because they are more knowledgeable perhaps?
Last but not least, lets just leave the blog in it's usual tone (not islamic forum). The original post does not have any of this. It simply points out that while a friend (or ex) religiously hijrah by putting on hijab but she failed to hijrah her attitude too. With that, maaf kak huda lagi sekali. I terlupa nak sedekahkan al Fatihah hari tu.
Berhijab atau tidak pilihan masing-masing. Kita semua telah termaktub hukum-hakamnya. Tapi bagi saya jika berhijab pada zahirnya sahaja namun tingkah-laku dan tata-susila tetap buruk, hasad dengki bercanak di hati, baik tak payah berhijab.
kuang hasam punnya kawan... hehe
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